You're Invited! USAAS Foundation Gala


by Alyssa Jacobs, USA Artistic Swimming

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Mark your calendars for the American Gold & Glory Celebration, a unique event that will celebrate the Olympic spirit with Olympic gold medalists in attendance and performances by artistic swimming athletes. The gala, hosted by the USA Artistic Swimming Foundation, will take place Saturday, July 31st in Tarzana, California just outside of Los Angeles. Tickets are open to all those interested in supporting our incredible sport, and not just limited to membership. 

The location for the exclusive event will be the Kravetz Estate, ahistorical property that once attracted Hollywood elites and movie stars of the day, including iconic artistic swimmer Esther Williams.The USA Artistic Swimming Foundation invites you to attend the American Gold & Glory Celebration to celebrate the rich past, exciting present and limitless future of USA Artistic Swimming at the Olympic Games. The celebration will begin with a VIP reception at 5:00 p.m. before the Fundraising Gala starts at 6:00 p.m. 

There will be an additional event Sunday for visitors to enjoy the estate via train. A Golden Spike Celebration beginning at 11:00 a.m. will allow visitors to explore, ride and drive the beautiful estate railroad and live steam engine built on the Kravetz Estate by former homeowner Gordon MacLean and Walt Disney in the 1950s.

Space is limited, so be sure to register as soon as possible. To register and for sponsorship opportunities, visit the link HERE


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