UIW Artistic Swimming Back to Basics Camp
Aug 25, 2023 - Aug 26, 2023 | Camps & Clinics | San Antonio, TX, United States
UIW's nationally ranked artistic swimming coaches and athletes are hosting the 2023 UIW Artistic Swimming Back to Basics Camp. For athletes ages 12-17 the two day camp will be from 8 am - 2 pm. For athletes ages 8-11, the two day camp will be from 9 am - 1 pm.
The camp will focus specifically on skills and basics pertaining to the new scoring system. Athletes will learn and work on new skills, drills and techniques that will help support their growth and development within the new scoring system. The camp will include stretching, strength training inside and outside the water, swimming, and artistic swimming. Campers should bring a water bottle, a yoga mat, therabands, hair ties, a swimsuit, googles, nose clips and caps. The price of registration included snacks and a swim cap.
Ann Barshop Natatorium
4301 Broadway St.
San Antonio, TX 78209
Contact: Alyson Haylor
Register: HERE